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All ZETLAB products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant ZETLAB: analyzers, vibration control systems, seismic stations, verification and certification systems, digital sensors, controllers, ADC DAC modules, signal amplifiers, matching devices, accessories
  • Analyzers ZETLAB
    ZET 017-U8, 017-U4, 017-U, etc.
  • Vibration stand control systems ZETLAB
    Vibration stand control systems
    ZET 017-U, etc.
  • Strain gauge systems ZETLAB
    Strain gauge systems
    ZET 017-T16, etc.
  • Seismic stations: sensors, recorders ZETLAB
    Seismic stations: sensors, recorders
    ZET 048-C VER. 1, VER. 2 and others .
  • Control of electrical circuit parameters ZETLAB
    Control of electrical circuit parameters
    ZET 452 MP, etc.
  • Signal amplifiers ZETLAB
    Signal amplifiers
    ZET 410, 412, 420, 430, etc.
  • ADC DAC modules ZETLAB
    ADC DAC modules
    ZET 210, 220, 230, 302, etc.
  • Strain and thermometric sensors ZETLAB
    Strain and thermometric sensors
    ZET 7010, ZET 7110, ZET 7111, etc.
  • Pressure sensors ZETLAB
    Pressure sensors
    ZET 7012-I-VER.1 and others .
  • Accelerometers and seismic sensors ZETLAB
    Accelerometers and seismic sensors
    ZET 7155B ZET 7152-N, etc.
  • Motion sensors, encoders ZETLAB
    Motion sensors, encoders
    ZET 7054, ZET 7060-E, etc.
  • Controllers and generators ZETLAB
    Controllers and generators
    ZET 7161, ZET 7060-R, etc.
  • Converters ZETLAB
    acoustic. emissions, interfaces, etc.
  • Microphones and hydrophones ZETLAB
    Microphones and hydrophones
    MPA 216 , etc.
  • Sensors of pulsation, cavitation, revolutions ZETLAB
    Sensors of pulsation, cavitation, revolutions
    PS 2001-50-01, etc.
  • Measurement systems ZETLAB
    Measurement systems
    SDL-048, SCSV, ASI, etc.
  • Verification systems ZETLAB
    Verification systems
    ZET 017 et al.
  • SCADA systems  ZETLAB
    SCADA systems
    ZETVIEW, SCADA projects, etc.
  • Accessories and options ZETLAB
    Accessories and options
    AK15, AK16, AK21, AK24, AM50, etc.
  • Software ZETLAB


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